Document Management

What is ecoDMS?
  • ecoDMS ensures efficient management and secure archiving of all your company's documents.
  • No more annoying paperwork: digitize all documents and archive them in accordance with the law
  • Cost savings: save on paper, storage and administration
  • Fast search: find documents in seconds
  • Desktop + Mobile: access to all documents regardless of location
  • User-friendliness: easy to use and familiarize yourself with Compliance: ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information
  • No more annoying paperwork: digitize all documents and archive them in accordance with the law
  • Seamless integration into ERP software
  • Simple, secure transfer of old data to the new system

ecoDMS - Integrated in ERP software ZEPHIR
  • ZEPHIR - DMS interface to the ERP solution ZEPHIR Avenue integrates ecoDMS completely into the sales/purchasing processes, production control, human resources and financial accounting as an electronic document archive
  • Corresponding rights in ZEPHIR are replicated in the DMS, which also ensures access restrictions based on the area of ​​responsibility there
  • The documents are stored in the interface of the ERP system.
  • Documents in ecoDMS are automatically classified. Type and status are assigned and stored in the folder structure. Automatic parameters can be adjusted for the document at any time
  • Integration of editors for previewing special formats (e.g. CAD)
  • Various functions access assigned documents directly. For example, when sending documents, other documents associated with the process can be accessed and sent as attachments
  • When the interface is first set up, local documents that have already been used can be transferred to the DMS system using ZEPHIR, automatically assigned and classified in ecoDMS

ecoDMS - Extensive functions
  • Platform-independent client-server system
  • Modern web client for PC, mobile phone and tablet
  • Infinite storage volume
  • Archive any file format
  • Many intelligent search functions and filter options
  • Scan and archive paper documents
  • Legally compliant deletion concept in accordance with GoBD & DSGV
  • Perpetual license
  • Simple email archiving from Thunderbird & Outlook at the click of a mouse